spooky happenings while ripping up carpets..... the spirits are disturbed |
now where did I leave those cards? |
Oh yes that's right back in 1916 I decided to leave them under layers of carpet for safe keeping you know like one of those time capsules. And there they where when we ripped up the carpets, preserved for posterity. Just joking not really 1916 more like 1986. Incredible what you find under all the layers of flooring.
When we pulled up the first lot of carpet I was so disappointed that we didn't find any old newspapers. To my amazement however when we pulled up the last lot of very old lino, lying underneath were a couple of envelopes addressed to the then owner, Miss Henderson. One was dated 1930 so had been preserved under the lino for the last 82 years. There were also a few old newspapers dated October 1931with fabulous ads for 1930's fashion.Sadly the newspapers are too damaged and stuck to the floor to save but it's amazing to imagine the house at that time in the 1930's.
And good old linoleum. I had no idea but it was invented way back in 1855. In the 1930's when Miss Henderson purchased her linoleum from Farmers Department Store in Sydney it was considered the epitome of fashion. It was made from ground cork and linseed oil bonded on to canvas or burlap and boy did it last. Click here for some lino patterns of the time. Linoleum really did rock back then and has preserved my floorboards beautifully.
yours loving linoleum
Katerina x
Great post! This is a fantastic idea for those with linoleum floors. A floor can also serve as a preservation of the past. LOL!