Monday, August 6, 2012

vomitus carpetus

dear lovers of a good floorboard
My house was feeling a little queasy the other day and vomited up a bunch of ancient, filthy carpets and lino but I think it feels a whole lot better now.......

The dust and dirt of the ages descended upon the carpet removal crew, Mel, Stella, Ingrid and myself, as we furiously tore and ripped our way to the bottom of layers of filthy carpets and lino to reveal the most beautiful hardwood floorboards. The transformation of the space was astonishing.
I use the term carpet loosely.......
gorgeous hardwood floorboards revealed
Ingrid and Mel apply finishing touches

I cannot wait to see the floorboards sanded and polished in a few weeks time. Luckily due to the fact that the original lino was never removed (judging by the pattern it dates back to at least the twenties or possibly even earlier) and layers of carpet variously stapled and nailed to the floor over the years, the floorboards have been beautifully preserved. The whole space feels transformed now that those smelly and disgusting carpets have gone. My thanks to the wonderful team of friends who helped in the transformation. The psycho room is no more. There is still more carpet and lino to go in other rooms but the worst has been done and the results are amazing!

yours in need of a really really good shower
Katerina x

ACME Carpet Removals 
'No carpet too putrid - no house too dilapidated'
Mel, Stella e moi  - carpet rippers extraordinaire

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